5th September 2024. KaZ has been coming to Kawana Waters Care Community once a week for 2 years now. Our residents look forward to her visit every week. Our residents say they have noticed a positive improvement in their health from their very first class. Residents comment after the class that they feel relaxed and as if every joint had been moved around a bit. They really like the gentle and graceful movements of the form. KaZ breaks down the Tai Chi form into easy learnable movements that she teaches and demonstrates at each class. KaZ’s friendly and professional approach is excellent, with lots of encouragement. Our residents love their weekly classes and say they have noticed an improvement in their strength, mobility and balance. We are so pleased to be involved in Tai Chi, it really has made a significant difference to lives of our Residents here in Kawana Waters Care Community. Thank you so much for bringing so much Joy and Peace to our residents every week.